COMunication INclusion

Erasmus Plus Cooperation partnership
2020-1-PLO1-KA204- 081670
MAIN IDEA: COMmunication INclusion wants to favour social inclusion and enhance transversal skills through writing at a senior age, as part of an editorial team. "Citizen journalism" is the way to transmit facts, and opinions, and be aware of the difference between them. In the meantime, the adepts at civic journalism define their voice and find their path toward lifelong learning and active ageing.
The most important reason for excluding older people is insufficient communication skills.
Communication exclusion drastically limits the social and civic activity of seniors.
Difficulties in understanding media and official statements and documents, a lack of ability to reach the necessary information and assess their credibility, a lack of digital skills.
Building organizational and leadership skills among seniors as compensation for the shortage of journalistic talents.
Implementation of innovative methods that will increase the attractiveness and efficiency of adult educational work.
To cooperate for the development of educational materials suitable for practical use in various countries and languages.
Seniors, from 50 years old ahead.
Educators of Seniors in of Adult Education centers.
The project has a lifespan of 35 months,
from October 2020 to August 2023.
1. The result of the project will be a guide (educational materials) for creators of educational programs and educators involved in adult education, interested in using journalistic techniques and editorial work. It is intended primarily for organizations working with seniors, but its use can be much wider. Almost all recommendations, methods and training tools it will contain can also be useful in working with other age groups (also in intergenerational groups). The guide will propose a very universal and flexible formula for using journalism techniques and editorial work for education, so that this model can be available to participants with lower skills and educators without journalistic experience. It will also contain tools adapted from other types of education (ICT, service learning, creative thinking). It will give the possibility to be adapted to needs and capabilities of almost every educational institution.
2. 5 training activity organized and hosted by the 5 project partners, in order to show educators of seniors the different implemented methodologies of adult education.
3. 5 local dissemination events, one in each project participating country, on the journalism work seniors will be made locally.
Bialystok, Poland
November 2021

Paris, France
April 2022

Maribor, Slovenia June 2022

Valladolid, Spain
September 2022

Bratislava, Slovakia
February 2023

Valladolid, Spain
June 2023

Article 1
Article 2
Article 3
Article 4
Article 5
Article 6
Article 7
Article 8
Article 9
Article 10
Article 11
Article 12