In the last 8 months the COVID-19 pandemic and related lockdown measures have produced significant interruptions in young people’s lives, the impact of which is still to be analysed and understood in the future. However what we can grasp at this stage of the evolution and what some research already pointed out is that young people have been hit in their transition phases to adulthood and autonomy (young people transition to education, to employment, towards economic and financial independence, or to establishing their own family, to getting the right to vote).
Providing innovative non-formal educational tools that contribute to skill and competence development
Reactivation of core values of EU (active citizenship, entrepreneurship)
Accelerating digital transformation in youth work
Boosting creativity for young people in Europe
Direct target group: youth workers
Indirect target group: youth
The project lasts for 24 months. From April 2021 to March 2023.

The first intellectual output represents a methodology, guide and toolkit which will help as a support to create multimodal escape rooms in interdisciplinary contexts.
The second intellectual output represents an APP which will serve to customize a multimodal escape room in any context.